Following the great success of The Road Commander.
The Cone Commander was a natural follow up to address the short comings of orange traffic cones. After Studying the existing orange cones on the market, Alexander talked with DOT, Law Enforcement, Fire Departments and Tow Truck operators. They all stated a product such as the Cone Commander would save lives and reduce accidents.
Alexander came to the conclusion the orange cone just didn’t provide enough of a warning for motorists and really didn’t command the motorists to slow down and move over. Alexander wanted to create a product that would address all of the shortcomings of existing orange cones. He wanted to prevent accidents, save lives, and create a much safer work environment for anyone working in traffic or needing to shut down a roadway.
Cone Commanders will alert motorist from all four directions reducing accidents, reducing insurance claims, replacing damaged cones, and provides a quick return on your investment.